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Does Heavenly Father Love All His Children The Same?

Heavenly Father has had trillions of children that have lived on this Earth or are currently living on this Earth.

We know he loves all of his children, but does he love all of his children equally?

Trillions of Children

Heavenly Father has had trillions of children that have lived on this Earth or are currently living on this Earth. We know he loves all of his children, but does he love all of his children equally? Does he love the sinner the same as he loves the righteous follower? Does he love the faithful missionary proclaiming the gospel the same as he loves the person that vigorously tries to tear down his church and his followers?

Has to be fair!

We read scriptures like “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life,”(John 3:16) and think, “Heavenly Father has to love us the same or else it wouldn’t be fair!” In our pursuit of making all things fair in this life, we may be tempted to think Heavenly Father loves us all the same.  Well, take a deep breath, but I actually don’t believe this is true. God loves us uniquely rather than equally. Don’t worry, unique is better.

Equal love implies Heavenly Father’s love can be measured. However, Heavenly Father’s love is infinite. Unique love is deeper. There is only one of you so Heavenly Father loves you uniquely.

The phrase “same” sounds like we are replaceable. Like, “Oh no I broke the toy I bought at Walmart last week. I hope they have another one,” or “My dog just ran away, that’s ok I will just get another one that I will love just the same.” In Heavenly Father’s eyes, you are irreplaceable.

Multiply love

If you are a parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, or sibling you may already understand this. When that second, third, fourth, or twelfth child is born, your love is not divided, it multiplies. Your love for each child is also unique. Each child awakens your love in a different way. You may love something unique about one child that is the opposite attribute of something you love in another child. I love her mischievous nature and I love his calming nature.

DNA package called you

Our Heavenly Father’s love cannot be equated to a pizza that is painstakingly cut into equal portions so that no child feels slighted. His love is not a matter of portion control. He loved you before there was a beginning and his love for you knows no end. Our Heavenly Father’s love is infinite, intimate and unique. When God created you, he created your unique smile and voice. He intertwined all your exceptional talents into the DNA package called you..

You are uniquely loved because you are uniquely created.

This means if you are his son he does not love you more, if you are his daughter he does not love you less. He loves both everyone uniquely. There is nothing accidental about any aspect of you. God was highly intentional when he wrote the story of your life.

Love us uniquely

So what does this mean to you? Infinite love is more than enough. Heavenly Father has immeasurable inexhaustible love for all. Don’t try to be someone you are not in an attempt to earn the love and acceptance of others. Don’t compare yourself with others. There is no need for comparison or competition, you will only exhaust yourself. Be a true friend by being the authentic you. His love is more than enough. His love for each of us is equally unique.

So celebrate unique and don’t settle for equal.

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