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How to Become Eternally Rich

Have you heard the phrase “You can’t take it with you”?

It’s true. When our bodies rise from the grave, we won’t have a complete set of luggage packed to the brim to take with us on our journey. Any earthly riches will be left behind, and our assets will have no meaning. The only things we can take with us are the loving relationships we created in mortality, the actions for good that we did on the earth and the knowledge and learning that we accomplished.

My understanding of becoming eternally rich would be to be surrounded by the most fulfilling things throughout the eternities. I would include peace in that description. We can have peace knowing that we fulfilled our responsibilities here on earth; that we nurtured relationships, comforted the comfortless, succored the weak and the afflicted and went about doing good.

We could add to that wealth by gaining as much knowledge and wisdom as we can possibly obtain. Heavenly Father’s creations and designs all have a scientific foundation and I believe it pleases Him to know that we are studying His works. We all have the opportunity to learn either on our own or at an institution for learning.

School can be a grind

Recently, President Henry B. Eyring spoke during a devotional at the LDS Business College. He said, “I know school can be a grind, I know it seems difficult. I know you get discouraged at times. I know you wonder why you are attending school at all. But keep on. Keep on hammering away. Keep on learning. You will never regret learning—neither in this life, nor in the world to come. Indeed, you will treasure forever what you learn and what you learn about how to keep on learning.” 1

We are ever enriched by our ability to learn. Have you ever noticed an excitement as you step into an unknown territory of information and grow in your capacity to understand? It brings a sense of fulfillment that is sweet to the soul.

Another form of becoming eternally rich is through righteous principles. I am reminded of the account of the rich young ruler who asked the Savior what he should do to gain eternal life. The Lord responded by recounting the commandments. 

What lack I yet?

Matthew 19: 20-21 records, “the young man saith unto him, all these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”

We can add to our treasure daily by following the Savior’s example with our righteous works and acts of goodness. D&C 16: 6 says “And now, behold, I say unto you, that the thing which will be of the most worth unto you will be to declare repentance unto this people, that you may bring souls unto me, that you may rest with them in the kingdom of my Father.”

There is no shortage of opportunities to add to our eternal wealth as we serve, lift, inspire, and remain faithful and obedient to the commandments of our Lord. How will you add to your eternal treasure today?

1. Church News, 7 November 2018, “President Eyring Shares 4 Ways to Overcome Educational Struggles”

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