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How to Combat Anti-Mormon Literature

When I was younger, I heard about several productions that painted The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in an unkind light. I promised myself I would never support any such media by wasting time on them. Knowing that our adversary twists even the tiniest, most innocent things into darkness, I knew I would not find anything valuable in anti-Mormon literature. It is no surprise that there is so much incorrect and even hateful information being spread about the Lord’s Church in the latter days. The Father’s enemy is working hard to destroy souls and if he can cause sparks of doubt, he knows he can get to them.

The first step in recognizing harmful material meant to undermine your testimony is knowing who is behind it and why. People who spread misinformation are not actively seeking truth, they are contributing to the work of the adversary. Lucifer was cast out for rebelling against the Father, and he is trying to steal away as many of those spirits as he can. He doesn’t care anything about us, he simply wants us to be miserable by being separated from God.

What should you do if there is some measure of truth to what you heard? Can you find light shining in a mudhole? Not likely. Why go anywhere but the source to find answers?

The authors of the book “Saints” have worked very hard to present the history of the Church in a way that is truthful, is easy to read and gives the background information that helps readers gain more understanding as to why some things happened the way they did. We know that the people who lead the Church are not perfect, nor have they ever claimed to be. They have needed to learn by experience, mistakes and trial and error just like we all must.

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke of this in one of his addresses. He said, “We openly acknowledge that in nearly 200 years of Church history—along with an uninterrupted line of inspired, honorable, and divine events—there have been some things said and done that could cause people to question. Sometimes questions arise because we simply don’t have all the information and we just need a bit more patience. When the entire truth is eventually known, things that didn’t make sense to us before will be resolved to our satisfaction.” 1

Have a humble heart as you search out truth. Seek the Spirit for counsel and instruction and be patient.

Many anti-Mormon materials will try to cause doubt in the sacred things we participate in. God, the Creator of the heavens and earth, taught Adam, and Eve from the beginning. Heavenly messengers instructed them from time to time. The adversary came along and realized he could twist sacred performances to the Lord into something strange or uncomfortable. The adversary’s ways are cheap imitations of our Father’s rich, powerful, and sacred ways. We do not need to doubt Him.  Elder Uchtdorf continued, “One of the purposes of the Church is to nurture and cultivate the seed of faith—even in the sometimes-sandy soil of doubt and uncertainty. Faith is to hope for things which are not seen but which are true. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters—my dear friends—please, first doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith. We must never allow doubt to hold us prisoner and keep us from the divine love, peace, and gifts that come through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”1

If you or someone you love has been affected by these kinds of materials, spend time in the Book of Mormon. There is real power there. Be open to learning from the source and be patient. Your Father in Heaven will not lead you astray, but He will allow you to grow and struggle a bit on your journey home so that you build a solid foundation on Christ and His restored Church.

  1. “Come, Join with Us,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference, October 2013

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