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Making the Messages of Conference More Personal

General Conference comes around just in the nick of time.

 By the time it gets here, I feel like I have been dragging myself through a barren desert by the fingernails, thirsting for the messages of hope and inspiration that will bring peace.

I don’t believe it was a random idea to conduct this special meeting two times each year. There is something special about those two weekends when thousands of members across the globe sit at the feet of the Prophet and Apostles to feel the outpouring of the Spirit of God. I have noticed how that same Spirit is present in full strength over those precious weekends. For me, watching the broadcast later isn’t quite the same.

The messages that are given at the pulpit are prayed and fasted over long beforehand so how do we prepare ourselves to receive?

First, ask your Heavenly Father for what you need

Heavenly Father is willing to bless us in so many ways, all we need to do is ask. If we don’t ask, then the fault lies with us. Nephi wrote in his record, 2 Nephi 32:4, “Wherefore, now after I have spoken these words, if ye cannot understand them it will be because ye ask not, neither do ye knock; wherefore, ye are not brought into the light, but must perish in the dark.”

Heavenly Father is quick to enlighten us with answers to our prayers if we only ask in earnest.

Knowing that we would be sustaining a new prophet and president of the church, I prayed on several occasions for my own testimony that President Nelson is the man who is chosen and called of God, who is prepared to lead the members of the Church and the world at this specific time. He granted me this desire. I have a deep love and respect for President Nelson and can say that I know for myself that he is the man called to stand in the prophetic role in this day.

Second, if there are issues in your life that you struggle with, fast and pray for guidance and direction

By asking for guidance, we are giving ourselves a wonderful opportunity to receive. The Spirit is poured out upon the earth as members unite across the globe to obtain direction and help. There is so much power accessible to us if we will only put forth the effort.

Third, write down the questions that you would like to have answered

This last conference, I had several pressing issues on my mind. I wrote down all those questions in my journal where I would be taking notes and as something was spoken or when I felt the Spirit whisper something to me, I wrote it underneath my question. Some things were answered forthrightly. Other things came as scriptures or phrases that I need to research further. Some answers to my questions answered another question for me but however the counsel came, I received answers.

Elder Neil L. Anderson said, “There is a treasure chest of heavenly direction awaiting your discovery in the messages of general conference. The test for each of us is how we respond to what we hear, what we read, and what we feel… I promise that as you hear the voice of the Lord to you in the teachings of this general conference, and then act on those promptings, you will feel heaven’s hand upon you, and your life and the lives of those around you will be blessed.” 1

We will certainly be blessed for seeking the Lord’s direction through the mouths of the living prophets.

1 “The Voice of the Lord”, Elder Neil L. Andersen, General Conference, October 2017

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