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The Miracle of Easter



I liked Easter as a child. We were given baskets of goodies and had our egg hunts

Now as an adult, the significance of this glorious day is beautiful and meaningful.

Baskets and Egg hunts

I liked Easter as a child. We were given baskets of goodies and had our egg hunts as kids but for too long, the meaning of Easter was lost on us. Now as an adult, the significance of this glorious day is beautiful and meaningful.

An empty tomb might not mean much to anyone else, but in context, it means everything to us as Latter-day Saints. The promises associated with this event are grand, glorious and eternal. Without the Savior’s atoning sacrifice and His power over “death, hell, and the devil” (2 Nephi 9:26), we would be endlessly lost, subject to the devil and rewarded with misery for the rest of eternity. But thankfully, there is hope for us!


Great Event

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spoke beautifully about this great event. He said, “Beginning in the spiritual anguish of the Garden of Gethsemane, moving to the Crucifixion on a cross at Calvary, and concluding on a beautiful Sunday morning inside a donated tomb, a sinless, pure, and holy man, the very Son of God Himself, did what no other deceased person had ever done nor ever could do. Under His own power, He rose from death, never to have His body separated from His spirit again. Of His own volition, He shed the burial linen with which He had been bound, carefully putting the burial napkin that had been placed over His face “in a place by itself,” the scripture says.

“That first Easter sequence of Atonement and Resurrection constitutes the most consequential moment, the most generous gift, the most excruciating pain, and the most majestic manifestation of pure love ever to be demonstrated in the history of this world. Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, suffered, died, and rose from death in order that He could, like lightning in a summer storm, grasp us as we fall, hold us with His might, and through our obedience to His commandments, lift us to eternal life.” 1

I find it easy to have faith in and believe that Jesus Christ indeed accomplished what the scriptures say that He did. I believe that He was the master over sin and death and that at no other time in the history of the world, our loving Savior and elder brother, rose from the dead by his own power. Is it any wonder that so many refused to believe in something that had previously been impossible?

Faithful Mary

As I think about faithful Mary who sought her Lord’s body and found nothing, I can imagine the added strain on top of her already existent heartbreak. How must her heart have soared when she realized that she was not speaking with the gardener but the resurrected Lord Himself!

One day, each of us will stand before Him and learn and know for ourselves, that his hands and wrists were pierced for us. That his side and feet were injured for us and that his magnificent blood was spilled for us. I cannot see myself standing for very long.

Elder Holland included, “So today we celebrate the gift of victory over every fall we have ever experienced, every sorrow we have ever known, every discouragement we have ever had, every fear we have ever faced—to say nothing of our resurrection from death and forgiveness for our sins. That victory is available to us because of events that transpired on a weekend precisely like this nearly two millennia ago in Jerusalem.” 1

May we remember this, the greatest of all gifts and the greatest miracle we have ever known, as we celebrate Easter this year.

1 “Where Justice, Love, and Mercy Meet”, Elder Jeffery R. Holland, General Conference, April 2015

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