Isn’t it wonderful that we are given the gift of the Holy Ghost; a constant companion through our lives?
He is meant to be our personal guide to help us get home and will lead us whenever we are in need. If only we would always hear and recognize his voice.
I am so grateful that the Spirit of the Lord communicates with us in the ways that touch us the most. I know the Holy Ghost communicates with me often by the feelings in my heart.
Spirit of Revelation
Several years ago, Elder David A. Bednar gave a wonderful talk about the Spirit of Revelation. He explained how we may receive answers to our prayers. He said, “A light turned on in a dark room is like receiving a message from God quickly, completely, and all at once. Many of us have experienced this pattern of revelation as we have been given answers to sincere prayers or been provided with needed direction or protection, according to God’s will and timing. Descriptions of such immediate and intense manifestations are found in the scriptures, recounted in Church history, and evidenced in our own lives. Indeed, these mighty miracles do occur. However, this pattern of revelation tends to be more rare than common.”

He then explained the second pattern for receiving revelation, which is most common. He said, “The gradual increase of light radiating from the rising sun is like receiving a message from God “line upon line, precept upon precept.” Most frequently, revelation comes in small increments over time and is granted according to our desire, worthiness, and preparation. Such communications from Heavenly Father gradually and gently “distil upon [our souls] as the dews from heaven.” 1

No matter how quickly we receive answers, there are certain ways the Spirit talks to us.
President Boyd K. Packer said, “The Spirit is a voice that one feels more than one hears.” 2 Sometimes it leaves us an impression, sometimes there are specific words that come to mind or words we find in the scriptures. There are feelings and promptings, dreams and visions. Often conversations with others on either side of the veil can deliver a message we need to hear. No matter which forms the answers come in, it will be accompanied by peace in the heart.
When I was involved in a car accident late in my first pregnancy, I was shown what was happening and what I needed to do just seconds before it actually happened. The spirit instructed and commanded me. There was no hesitation to act but my body obeyed before I consciously knew what was happening. I would compare that extraordinary moment to the first example given by Elder Bednar in flipping the light switch.
I have had to learn other things with faith and patience. For example, learning how to love and be gentle with myself with all my weaknesses has been an ongoing challenge which I have yet to master. The Spirit has brought truths to my heart and love from my Heavenly Parents when I have needed it most.
Elder Renland said, “Remember the Lord’s promise: “I will impart unto you of my Spirit, which shall enlighten your mind, which shall fill your soul with joy.” I love that assurance. Joy that fills our souls brings with it an eternal perspective in contrast to day-to-day living. That joy comes as peace amidst hardship or heartache. It provides comfort and courage, unfolds the truths of the gospel, and expands our love for the Lord and all God’s children.”3

Our new Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson just encouraged us in our recent conference to learn to recognize the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. May we each take his counsel to find out how this most wonderful gift talks to us individually.
- “The Spirit of Revelation”, Elder David A. Bednar, General Conference, April 2011
- “How Does the Spirit Speak to Us?”, President Boyd K. Packer, from an address delivered at a seminar for new mission presidents June 19, 1991
- “Let the Holy Spirit Guide”, Elder Ronald A. Rasband, General Conference, April 2017