If You are Righteous Enough, Can You Get Blessings for Other People?
When I think of the word "righteous", sometimes I get a picture in my head of a list of tasks with checkmarks. That is completely incorrect and more like the style of worship the Pharisees lived in ancient times. The Savior frequently denounced their hypocrisy. The condition of their hearts did not match their actions.
The ancient prophet Moroni said, "For I remember the word of God which saith by their works ye shall know them; for if their works be good, then they are good also. For behold, God hath said a man being aevil cannot do that which...
Should You Kneel to Pray Each Night or Can You Say Your Prayers While Lying in Bed?
Elder David A. Bednar gave a wonderful talk about visiting the savannah of Africa and watching two cheetahs patiently stalk their prey. The topis remained alert however and escaped just in time. He compared it to spiritual warnings in our lives. He said, "Spiritual complacency and casualness make us vulnerable to the advances of the adversary. Spiritual thoughtlessness invites great danger into our lives...Focusing our lives in and on the Savior and His gospel enables us to overcome the tendency of the natural man to be spiritually snoozy and lazy. As we are blessed with eyes to see and ears...
Does an "Important" Church Calling Mean You are More Righteous?
When the Savior of the world called the fishermen to leave the nets and follow Him, He saw their potential. He didn't choose them for their righteousness or their current commitment to living an extraordinary life. The Savior knew what they could become if they were obedient to His word. The creator of the world who organized the elements began to mold and shape these rough pieces of clay into powerful tools in His hands.
Like then, the Lord doesn't choose the greatest, most knowledgeable or least sinful to do His work in our day. He chooses...
How to Fight Spiritual Battles in an Unspiritual World
When we came to earth, the hosts of heaven drew the veil between our eternal home and our new mortal home. Without the knowledge we had once attained of our Heavenly Parents and Savior, we would be able to grow and progress as we feel our way after God and learn to discern His voice. So much of life is based on faith and belief in what we are not permitted to see with natural eyes. That blessing can come once we are completely prepared like previous prophets who had the privilege of seeing the Lord face to face. Until...
Why Does it Seem that Some Priesthood Blessings Don’t Work

When my first child was only three or four years old, he was frequently found with his hands upon his baby brother’s head, praying earnestly to his Heavenly Father. What a precious sight it was and how it blessed me to see how he would one day hold the priesthood and...
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