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Shouldn't This Be Free ?

Why are you charging money for an LDS product? 

  • This can be a sensitive issue for people and we certainly understand why. There is something about religion and money that can tend to clash and some people don't feel that it is right to "make a profit" on LDS products.
  • First, we want you to know that our primary purpose is not to make money but rather to help everyone be prepared to give a blessing. As you can read about it on our about us page, Oil Vault came about after one of our...

Secret Discount Code

Searching for a discount code for your order? You must be a super shopper. 

Oil Vault super shopper

You found a secret discount code page. For all your hard work, use SAVE10 to get a 10% discount off of your order.


Oil Vaults

An Oil Vial that goes anywhere you go, no keychain required.


Oil Vaults Are Easy To Open

Anyone from ages 5-100 years old can open an Oil Vault (it is grandpa tested and approved).

To keep the packet from leaking, the Oil Vaults are sealed and take a little bit of pressure but as you can see in the video, they are not hard to open.



Oil Vaults

An Oil Vial that goes anywhere you go, no keychain required.

How Do You Dispose Of Consecrated Oil ?

Wondering how to dispose of consecrated oil after using an Oil Vault (a Keychain Oil Vial or an Olive Oil bottle)?

The proper way to dispose of any consecrated oil is to throw it away. Leftover consecrated oil is similar to bread or water left over from the sacrament, which is thrown away after sacrament meeting.

Stainless and Glass Swan Pitcher With Brown Liquid Besides Grapes and Glass Decanter Stopper during Daytime

Read the article

Do The Packets Come Consecrated Already ?

Oil Vaults do not pre-consecrated

  • The number 1 question we get is do you bless the oil before sending it out? How do I bless it? 
  • Consecrating oil and the performing of priesthood blessings are personal to each priesthood holder.
  • The LDS church handbook instructs priesthood holders to bless an open container, so we do not consecrate the oil before sealing the container.
When you need to use the oil for a blessing, just tear open the Oil Vault and consecrate the oil using the instructions on the back of the Oil Vault. Then...