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Gospel & Doctrine

Heavenly Father Does Not Leverage Our Sins

“Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more. By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them.” | (D&C 58:42–43.)

Have you ever made a mistake or committed a sin before? If you are human, this is a foregone conclusion. As part of the repentance process, you really hard to make recompense with the aggrieved, pray for forgiveness, and finally feel like you have moved on. After all of this work, you finally feel forgiven. You feel like...

The sixth tool of baseball—and the gospel

As one of my jobs, I am the head coach of a high school baseball program. I recently attended a coach’s clinic where we heard from Zach Sorensen, a sports psychologist. He talked about the sixth tool of a baseball player. Traditionally, baseball players have been measured by the all-important “Five tools”: throwing, running, hitting for average, hitting for power, and fielding. Scouts are always on the lookout for “Five-tool players”.

Over the years, teams...

Why are there so many versions of the bible?

2 Nephi 29:3 states “And because my words shall hiss forth—many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.”

Heavenly Father has given us a bible that we can learn from and receive guidance. The bible can be a great source of inspiration and guidance. The bible can be a place we can turn to in trying times. Yet the question is raised, why are there so many versions of the bible?

Reading Level of the Reader

One explanation is that the versions differ as to the...

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend

As of recent, one of my favorite quotes is “It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.” (William Blake). Recently, a good friend betrayed me in a very hurtful way which had far-reaching repercussions. Betrayal by an enemy is expected. You do not trust an enemy. You do not expect your enemy to act morally. And, you do not expect your enemy to have your back. However, you do have all these expectations from a friend. When a friend commits a betrayal it hurts much deeper and is far harder to recover from.

The story of...

It's nothing personal, it's just business

Is your business self different than your personal self?

When you stand before the judgement bar of God do you believe he will accept the excuse that...