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Do I ONLY have to forgive 70 Times 7

Forgive 70 Times 7

Life in the last days is getting uncomfortable. There are wars and rumors of wars, famines, plagues, pestilences, earthquakes in diverse places just as were prophesied. With that increase in trouble, comes an increase in stress and selfishness. In Joseph Smith Matthew 1:30, he tells us that the love of men shall wax cold. Are we so easily influenced that the flame of love and kindness may be snubbed by selfishness and pride? I would say, there are moments when we do choose anger and vengefulness...

How To Help A Spouse Who's Been Laid Off


When I was 8 months pregnant with our second son, my husband suddenly found himself unemployed. He was the sole provider at that point in our marriage and with a baby on the way shortly, he was worried. Somehow though, and uncharacteristically, I was not worried. I knew Heavenly Father would take care of us and knew that our Father saw that we would be welcoming a child into our family who would be taught the principles of the gospel. He would not let us fail.

No one is immune...

Forgiveness' Impact On Your Mental Health


Mental health is just as important as physical and spiritual health. Being in a weak place mentally can have major consequences that can unfortunately lead us away from God’s light. I intentionally do not address the need for medication, as I am unqualified but there are other contributing factors that can affect us. The foods we eat, the activities we participate in, the friends we keep, and the routines we make all impact our mental health in substantial ways. With all the pressures and stresses of our day, it is...

Pranking & The Family Dynamic


In my household, we have a kid who is always eager to set up pranks for his family. I can always see when he is up to something like this because of a certain glow in his face. My daughter however likes to warn me in advance so I can avoid hurt feelings or frustration.


Just like some people either love or hate broccoli, some people are alright with pranks while it might feel extremely offensive to others. I can tolerate pranks but in setting up someone else, I...

Why is Unity Important

When President Russell M. Nelson called on everyone for a second fast during our 2020 April General Conference, no one knew the impact of just how the world would be strengthened. It was beautiful to see so many people of different faiths come together in one purpose. A Facebook group was started to share the invitation to fast across the world. With great love for God, people of all beliefs joined with us. Afterwards, the name of the group was changed to Worldwide Unified where people continue to show love and support and where children of God can come for...