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How do you explain blessings to non-members

I love the stories from the scriptures when the Savior heals various infirmities in the people around Him.

They touch my heart. I especially love the story in Mark 9 of the father whose son is possessed by a spirit which wreaks havoc on the poor child. The love that our...

Dealing with Contradictions in Blessings

I love the power of the holy priesthood. I have made it an important aspect of my life as I have sought the Lord’s wisdom and counsel.

Some people haven’t considered the great privilege it is to have worthy hands placed upon their head, and with the priesthood holder acting in...

Can I give priesthood blessings to non-members?

I have always appreciated that my husband has been ready and willing to use the priesthood power and authority in our home whenever it has been needed or requested.

When my oldest was only three years old, I found him sitting close to his new sleeping baby brother with both of...

The Top 5 Scriptures Our Children Should Understand

The scriptures contain a wealth of treasures from heaven. 

Years of study will acquaint us with the gospel but what are the most basic things we should help our children understand?


Just Because Riches Are a Blessing Doesn’t Mean They Are Easy to Earn

In the Church, we hear the word SEEK often.

We can all name a scripture off the top of our head with this word in it. To seek means that we take action, we show faith and then do our part. Yes, we seek to do God’s will and if we...