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Marriage & Family

The Staycation Anyone Can Do!

Spring break just ended in our area and my social media accounts were full of friends and families "staycation" photos. I consider myself a fun mom. I like to have a good time. But for the life of me, I can't figure out how moms pull off these grand staycations where everyday is a trip to a movie (or TWO), shopping, an escape to a water park, the arcades (who still goes to those?!?) all topped off with a jungle tape maze throughout the entire house. I have no desire to put up the tape and certainly no motivation to pull the tape down....

Marriage is the strongest and most fragile eternal relationship

When I got married to my wife, she gave me a tungsten wedding ring. If you do not know much about tungsten, it is a pretty cool metal. Tungsten rings are made from the toughest metal in the world. They resist scratching better than any other metal out there. Because tungsten is the toughest metal in the world, many people think this means the wedding rings are indestructible. However, as a hardness of metal increases so does the brittleness of metal. When a tungsten ring is dropped on a hard surface, it can break or crack.

Marriage is a lot...

LDS General Conference With Kids

Twice a year the prophets and apostles from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints come together to provide an uplifting and insightful message. As adults, my husband and I look forward to the messages, but our children-- not so much.

Wanting to make General Conference a positive experience where our kids engage, we decided to take a new approach. We now create "Conference Cash" for our kids. Basically, anytime key words are said, our children mark it. At the end of each session (there are four over two days) we total each tally up and...

Book Review- Good Pictures Bad Pictures jr.

As parents of 5 and foster parents to many kids over the years, we have had many pornography conversations in our home. As a woman and a mom, it was my hope that my children would never see images of pornography. Sadly, in today's world, that is nearly impossible.

One thing we have tried to stress to our children is that simply seeing pornographic pictures doesn't make you bad. Also, being curious about bodies doesn't make you bad. Another problem area that we have tried to address is how to get those images out of your head when you do see them....

Children - a Most Important Work

Last week, there was a push in parts of our world to classify children as 'burdens'. Strong global powers are downplaying motherhood and attempting to strip it of its dignity. This was troubling news to me. As a Mother, I can honestly say that motherhood is one of the GREATEST Blessings in my life. Hands down. My children are not burdens. They are my reason to live. My reason to fight. My teachers of love and forgiveness. No one could possibly compensate me for my time as a mother- because not one other profession has the tasks and rewards that motherhood...